Population Health Management

Improving population health management through cutting-edge forecasting technology.

Population Health Management for improving member outcomes

Population Health Management uses an array of activities designed to address the clinical risk and cost of patients. These include wellness programs, disease and condition management programs, large case management and, sometimes, utilization management. The key to success for these programs depends on accurate member clinical assessments and fast, reliable and flexible search tools for identification and stratification of the population for allocating available resources for cost-effective interventions.

How does HCRM increase efficient Care Management decisions and tracking?

HCRM is dedicated to enhancing reporting and analysis systems for Population Health Management. Providers of population health management programs can easily stratify a population by a number of clinical and financial metrics to identify cohorts of members needing help to manage specific conditions.

Our population health management software and solutions optimize the collection of claims and eligibility data from a large number of sources, ensuring greater operating efficiency and improved outcomes assessment. We offer a cost-effective system with cutting-edge predictive technology, delivering high-quality services at a competitive price.

Ready to find out just how smooth your health management process could be? Try a demo of our services today.

Experience Positive Clinical Outcomes with HCRM

HCRM supports Population Health Management by providing accurate data and user-friendly search tools to help you find the members you are looking for. Our goal is to help you identify short and long-term member health risks, enhance patient engagement, improve clinical outcomes and achieve measurable results.

Why Choose HCRM?

Accurate Predictions

Health plans need high-impact, effective programs to address member health and clinical risks and manage plan costs.  HCRM’s advanced Predictive Modeling technology accurately forecasts clinical risks, events and costs for each member. Stratify the population into the cohorts you need to work with and gain a comprehensive understanding of each member’s risks and needs.  Get ahead of the curve without wasting resources.

Engaging Members

HCRM analytics and forecasts are meaningful and actionable.  We focus on providing insights that help you understand how specific risks are tied to tangible financial outcomes and enable you to take specific actions to achieve those results.

Staying Ahead of Rising Costs

Members with chronic disease drive over 80% of health plan costs due, in part, to incomplete care.  The majority of patients with chronic conditions receive only half the care they should get.  Addressing these gaps in care provide the patient with more control of their disease with less need for emergency care.  Get ahead of the claims now.

Learn More About Our Health Management Systems

We pride ourselves on our transparency and the positive impact our system can have. If you're a Population Health Manager of any kind, our team wants to help improve the health and financial outcomes of your programs by identifying high-cost, high-need patients before they incur claims. Learn more today or book a call to discuss your work in detail.